this post is just to appease everyone who reads every day

Sorry! I would have something more interesting to write if something totally exciting had happened in the past 2 days. But it’s just been class and sweat (due to the 6 hours worth of dance classes today)!

Piropos count: 7 today! Lower than what I expected (this is good) because of the fact that I was wearing dance attire all day. Higher than what I expected due to said dance classes and the tired, hungry, on-a-mission look on my face combined with my crazy hair.

Carbs: lots. Pasta. Bread. Ice cream (not a carb, but still delicious).

Pages of notes taken: 1

Doodles: 3

Hours spent in class: 9

Hours out of total spent dancing: 6

Hours spent eating: 3 1/2

Amount of future eating plans I made: 3

Amount of tiger balm I am about to apply to my sore body: the whole jar

Well, that’s about it! I’d talk about tomorrow but then tomorrow I wouldn’t have anything to blog about. Great bonding and hanging out after dinner with the family today, I really do love them!



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